Monday, May 11, 2009

Commuter of the Day 5/11/2009: If this van's a-rockin'

As the saying goes, "if this van's a-rockin', don't bother knockin'."

Well, now we know what that kind of van would have as far as a vanity plate goes.

As you can see, Joy Van likes to take it in the rear.

The only thing this van is missing is a bumper sticker that says, "Gas, grass or ass, nobody rides for free."


  1. I bet you the owner of that van has 12 kids and wishes polygamy were legal in Georgia.

    And maybe loves airport restrooms, too.

  2. I could see the 12 kids, polygamy might be a stretch though. I was thinking Southern Baptist, possibly Pentacostal, definitely makes their own clothes, and probably home schools. If not, their kid(s) definitely attend a private Christian academy.

    Wait....I just found a GIGANTIC hole in that argument....


  3. I was coming back from my sainted mothers on Sunday and i saw one of the better plates i've seen in a while - TRAVLR - on a very dusty 4WD. And of course because my life revolves around blogs, i thought of you.

  4. Now THAT is a good plate, perfectly acceptable. It says something about the person's character, as well as the character of the vehicle. Now, if it was on a spotless Jaguar that hits the car wash every weekend, the owner should be dragged from the vehicle and made to go through the automated car wash riding in the bed of a pickup truck.

  5. I think you’re jumping to all the wrong conclusions. It’s clearly been registered by a woman called Joy, of Dutch descent, whose surname is ‘Van—’ something, but there wasn’t room for the rest.

    And because someone else will berate me if I don’t, it’s ‘Pentecostal’, not ‘Pentacostal’. I’m sorry, but these things really do stand out of the page in letters of fire to me.

  6. Simon, they speak in tongues, I have a hard time caring about how they spell the name of their wacky faith.

  7. Speaking of Jags, used to be one up the road from home with the number plate TAXED.

  8. There's a Jag XKR kicking around town with MEYOW - yeah I threw up a little in my mouth too.

  9. In the UK... Jags are driven by people who really think they've made it in life... but are in fact a long way from the top and only just above the middle.. wear reactolight rapide glases, are a member of the local golf club, who sit in the fast lane doing 80mph whether there's anyone to overtake or not... generally they're fucking tossers

  10. jags are for douchebags.

    are you sure the mini-van didn't have one of those bumper stickers that said in case of rapture.. van will be unmanned?

  11. Well, the photo didn't show one, but I guess it could've been on their windshield, written backwards so that cars in front can see it in their mirror.

    Those bumper stickers scare the hell out of me.

  12. baptists scare the hell out of me.

  13. How did I miss this post??? The guy is obviously a rapist!
