Friday, January 30, 2009

An Actual Work Email

My company's Quality Control manager sent me the following email:

QC Mgr: On Thursday Feb. 5th, I am leaving for China for 10 days. At this time, I will have access to my emails but due to the time difference, I will not be able to respond in a timely manner. Can you keep an eye on any service notices that come in, and respond accordingly?

My response (always the team player): Will do. Have fun. Stay out of the brothels.

QC Mgr: Thanks

I never claimed to be "professional." But I am "helpful."


  1. Couldn't you have asked him to bring back something with lead in it?

  2. I considered asking him to bring back a sample of Chinese beer.....but then I remembered that I've never had a decent Chinese beer, so it wouldn't be worth the effort.

    And this is China, if he steps out of line, the police will ensure he gets all the lead he can ask for, and more. Unless they've switched to Tasers.

    I wonder how you say, "Don't tase me, bro!" in Mandarin?

  3. Pray do tell how advising a man to stay out of brothels is 'helpful'???

    He is a long way from home, he has needs. Would you rather he involve himself in a relationship with an ex-pat that he meets at a dodgy Shanghai Hotel (my recommendation is the Peace Hotel on the Bund!)

    C'mon Steve - think of his family!!

  4. Was the ‘Stay out of brothels’ warning based on some earlier experience of his, or just general advice?

  5. Simon - questions like that are completely immaterial - please think of the children (and not the ones in the brothel - or maybe that is just me!)

  6. Isn't that where the "happy ending" originated?

  7. Well, maybe Steve was being helpful. Maybe he included a link to FREE sex in China, which we just didn't see.

    You know, trying to save the company a buck or two, so they can do away with the sloshy lasagne.

  8. He's young and unmarried, I'd hate for him to catch something in a Chinese whorehouse that would prevent him from marrying a nice Italian American princess down the road.

  9. This could also free him up to instead meet a cute Aussie backpacker up there on holiday. Us Americans LOVE Aussie women, with those cute accents and lack of fear of poisonous snakes and spiders, you know.

  10. I can practically hear his snort of surprise.

  11. My god you Americans really don't know anything about Aussie women. No fear of snakes and spiders is just the first lie they are telling.

  12. I'll pretty much believe anything a woman tells me. The fewer clothes she's wearing, the more I'll believe.

  13. you should have handed him a bottle of penicillin or the number to the free STD clinic..
